Welcome to Field Intelligence

Intelligence that makes the difference.


We are a corporate intelligence firm working to be part of the solution to the climate crisis. We find information and insights through a global network of people to legally obtain information that is not publicly available.

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ESG-focused assets under management by 2026, an increase of 84% (PwC).
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Of all environmental product claims are “vague, misleading or unfounded” (EU).
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Climate change-related lawsuits were filed globally between 2015 - 2022 (LSE).


We support investors and businesses by providing intelligence to support deals and transactions of all types.


We support lawyers and in-house counsel by providing intelligence to help support litigation or resolve a dispute.

We provide intelligence on ESG.

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues have a wide range of meanings and interpretations. At Field, we treat ESG as covering the Planet, People and Processes.


Energy usage, waste, pollution, conservation, use of carbon and biodiversity credits and recycling


Personal integrity, reputation, fraud, corruption, bribery and political connections


Sanctions compliance, supply chain integrity, human rights, workers conditions and modern slavery, raw material sourcing, nature of contracts and regulatory or political issues.

Our Story

Get to know our story.

An investigator and an investor joined together to create Field Intelligence. Together they saw how primary source information could be used to do business to make the difference for ESG.

Field Intelligence is the only intelligence and investigations business founded to address the full range of environmental, social and governance issues.